With 'Just Be Responsible’, we don't just keep ourselves sharp. This theme also has an effect on all parties Just Brands works with, as well as on the customers who ultimately purchase our collections. That is why transparent communication and sharing information about sustainability is very important. This way, everyone knows where we stand, what we are doing and what steps we have taken.
Due Diligence
In 2016, we signed up to the Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textile (AGT).
This means that we, like the other signatories, carry out risk analyses based on OECD guidelines. By prioritizing risks and processing them in an action plan, we try to make our production chain more sustainable. Every year we are assessed on the progress of these sustainability plans. Within the framework of the agreement, we participate in workshops, pilot projects and working groups, resulting in even better collaboration with stakeholders and other textile companies.
Due Diligence
In 2016, we signed up to the Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textile (AGT).
This means that we, like the other signatories, carry out risk analyses based on OECD guidelines. By prioritizing risks and processing them in an action plan, we try to make our production chain more sustainable. Every year we are assessed on the progress of these sustainability plans. Within the framework of the agreement, we participate in workshops, pilot projects and working groups, resulting in even better collaboration with stakeholders and other textile companies.

Purchasing Practices
In our relationship with our manufacturers, we focus on equal cooperation.
Purchasing Practices
In our relationship with our manufacturers, we focus on equal cooperation.

Where do we produce our clothing?Transparency
Where do we produce our clothing?